1 NY Nana  Dec 26, 2008 10:43:17am

There are no words.

2 Pastorius  Dec 26, 2008 10:45:32am

NY Nana,
Actually, there are words. Here they are:


3 NY Nana  Dec 26, 2008 11:15:30am

re: #2 Pastorius

I cannot get the image of Moishele weeping out of my mind. I have a grandson just a few months older.

/You damn him with faint praise.

4 Wilderstad  Dec 26, 2008 11:47:01am

As found here from : “… isn’t it also about time that the West end the facade of pretending Islam has anything to do with peacefulness and recognize once and for all that the “religion” of Islam is an extremely rigid and authoritarian political ideology and it is actively hostile to other faiths? Shouldn’t the Western world finally, openly and without hesitation recognize that what distinguishes Islam from other religions is that when it is correctly understood and practiced, Islam actively seeks the subjugation or destruction of everything that is not itself. While non-Islamic religions may seek the conversion or evangelization of others, and their devotees may employ force against others from time to time, Islam is the only religion whose basic animating principles pit it against the rest of the world, ensuring that war is the natural and obligatory state of affairs.

5 pat  Dec 26, 2008 12:47:08pm

These pictures should be published. The failure to inform the world of the true nature of Islam is making it worse.

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